Labels:book | poster | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: Change in Online Magazine Database As of 4/18/95 the online Magazine Database will move from http://ats4 .colorado. edu/olm/zines .html tc http://tkb. .colorado. .edu/olm/zines html Nate Gardner CNS Apple Tech Support Personal Home Page: http://ats4 .colorado. edu Macintosh Online Magazine Web Site: http://ats4 colorado edu/OLM/zines. .html Zip Drives "It is an unlimited upgrade for your filled up hard disk it is a high capacity mobile stor age solution; personal organizer your stuff; and, it is an excellent backup drive. Press release from lomega uo Zip Drives r"of your stuff"? How Generation X-ish] In 2 words: Insanely great. Zip Drives cost about $200, weigh little (though hear their power supplies XeM ton) and are relatively small. It's like SyQuest, che ...